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단행본 상세정보

[단행본] Shelley's Poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism
이단행본은 한국연구재단(NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea)이 지원한 연구과제( 이탈리아 이브의 죽음: 억압과 저항 | 2009 년 중견연구자지원사업 | 송기호(한남대학교) )의 '원자료' 로 제출된 자료입니다.
  • 한국연구재단 기초학문자료센터 DB구축사업 참여 관련분야 전문가가 추가 입력한 정보입니다.
주저자 퍼시셀리
제작기관 미상
발행처 New York : Norton
발행국가 미국
발행일 1977-07-01
전체페이지수 pp. 625 ~ 637 (13pages)
언어 영어
색인어 셸리, 19세기 영시, 여성주의, 첸치가
연계링크 출처 RISS
  • 주초록(메인언어)
  • Annotated definitive texts of all of Shelley's greatest poetry as well as other poems frequently discussed and three prose works are combined with general critical studies of his art and thought and scholarly writings analyzing specific poems
  • 메타작성자초록
  • 본 자료는 퍼시 셀리의 시극 첸치가(The Cenci)가 포함된 단행본 자료이다. 본 연구에서는 장시 반지와 책(The Ring and the Book)에 대한 체계적인 비교 연구를 하기 위하여 젊은 여성의 비극적인 죽음과 그 죽음을 둘러싼 주변인물들의 상황등을 교차 분석하였다.
  • 목차
  • Preface ix
    Acknowledgments xi
    Textual Introduction xiii
    Outline of Shelley's Life xvii
    The Poems
    From The Esdaile Notebook 3 (11)
    Zeinab and Kathema 3 (5)
    The Retrospect 8 (4)
    Sonnet: To a balloon, laden with Knowledge 12 (1)
    To the Emperors of Russia and Austria... 12 (2)
    Queen Mab 14 (55)
    Alastor 69 (18)
    Stanzas.---April, 1814 87 (1)
    Mutability (``We are as clouds'') 88 (1)
    To Wordsworth 88 (1)
    Mont Blanc 89 (4)
    Hymn to Intellectual Beauty 93 (3)
    From Laon and Cythna (later The Revolt of 96 (5)
    Dedication 96 (3)
    Canto IX, stanzas 20--28 99 (2)
    To Constantia 101 (2)
    Ozymandias 103 (1)
    Lines written among the Euganean Hills 103 (9)
    Julian and Maddalo 112 (15)
    Stanzas written in Dejection---December 127 (1)
    1818, Near Naples
    The Two Spirits---An Allegory 128 (2)
    Prometheus Unbound 130 (80)
    The Sensitive-Plant 210 (9)
    Ode to Heaven 219 (2)
    Ode to the West Wind 221 (2)
    The Cloud 223 (3)
    To a Sky-Lark 226 (3)
    Ode to Liberty 229 (7)
    The Cenci 236 (65)
    The Mask of Anarchy 301 (10)
    Sonnet: England in 1819 311 (1)
    Sonnet: To the Republic of Benevento 311 (1)
    Sonnet (``Lift not the painted veil'') 312 (1)
    Sonnet (``Ye hasten to the grave'') 312 (1)
    Letter to Maria Gisborne 313 (8)
    Peter Bell the Third 321 (26)
    The Witch of Atlas 347 (20)
    Song of Apollo 367 (1)
    Song of Pan 368 (1)
    The Indian Girl's Song 369 (1)
    Song (``Rarely, rarely comest thou'') 370 (1)
    Epipsychidion 371 (17)
    Adonais 388 (18)
    Hellas 406 (34)
    Written on Hearing the News of the Death of 440 (1)
    The Flower That Smiles Today 441 (1)
    When Passion's Trance Is Overpast 442 (1)
    To-----(``Music, when soft voices die'') 442 (1)
    Memory 442 (1)
    To Jane. The Invitation 443 (1)
    To Jane. The Recollection 444 (2)
    One Word Is Too Often Profaned 446 (1)
    The Serpent Is Shut Out from Paradise 447 (2)
    With a Guitar. To Jane. 449 (2)
    To Jane (``The keen stars were twinkling'') 451 (1)
    Lines written in the Bay of Lerici 452 (1)
    The Triumph of Life 453 (20)
    The Prose
    On Love 473 (1)
    On Life 474 (4)
    A Defence of Poetry 478 (33)
    General Studies
    The Social Philosophy of Shelley 511 (8)
    Kenneth Neill Cameron
    The Role of Scepticism in Shelley's Thought 519 (5)
    C. E. Pulos
    Shelley's Use of Myth 524 (6)
    Earl R. Wasserman

    The Purpose and Method of Shelley's Poetry 530 (15)
    Donald H. Reiman
    Studies of Individual Works
    Alastor: A Reinterpretation 545 (24)
    Evan K. Gibson
    The One ``Mont Blanc'' 569 (10)
    Charles H. Vivian
    Structure, Symbol, and Theme in ``Lines 579 (17)
    written among the Euganean Hills''
    Donald H. Reiman
    Shelley's Prometheus Unbound 596 (7)
    M. H. Abrams
    Potentiality in Prometheus Unbound 603 (17)
    D. J. Hughes
    ``Ode to the West Wind'' 620 (5)
    Irene H. Chayes
    The Cenci 625 (12)
    Carlos Baker
    The Planet-Tempest Passage in 637 (22)
    Kenneth Neill Cameron
    Adonais 659 (16)
    Ross Woodman
    Hellas 675 (6)
    Carl Woodring
    Shelley's Lyrics 681 (14)
    G. M. Matthews
    Selected Bibliography 695 (4)
    Index of Titles and First Lines 699

    (출처 : 인터넷교보문고, http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewEng.laf?barcode=9780393091649&ejkGb=BNT)
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