Object: The aim of the study is to investigate the objective effect of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy which is known as evidence-based therapy by measuring brain functional/perfusion magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) before and after therapy.
Method: Twelv ...
Object: The aim of the study is to investigate the objective effect of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy which is known as evidence-based therapy by measuring brain functional/perfusion magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) before and after therapy.
Method: Twelve nightmare disorder patients who satisfying the DSM-5 criteria A for PTSD and twelve healthy control people age-, sex- and major hand matched to nightmare group were selected. The baseline fMRI data, clinical indices and cognitive functioning tests were compared between nightmare patients and healthy controls. Then, nightmare group received the five sessions of IRT for five weeks, and then collected the after therapy data which is same with the baseline.
Result: The mean age of all participants were 28.75 (± 8.42). At baseline, nightmare group showed significantly higher insomnia symptoms, nightmare severity, PTSD symptoms, depression, anxiety and suicidal severity. In PVT test which evaluates attention and arousal, nightmare group showed significantly higher maximum response time. In sleep indices, nightmare group showed significantly lower sleep efficiency, longer sleep onset latency, wake after sleep onset and more number of awakenings. In brain functional connectivity, nightmare group showed decreased connectivity in right middle cingulate cortex, medial frontal gyrus, left medial frontal gyrus and increased connectivity in right inferior frontal gyrus, left cerebellum, culmen compared to healthy control. Moreover, nightmare score showed significant relations with right inferior frontal gyrus, right middle cingulate cortex, left cerebellum, medial frontal gyrus, culmen and left medial frontal gyrus.
In nightmare group, sexual abuse was the highest (33.3%) among the types of trauma and 83.3% of patients satisfied all criteria of PTSD. After the therapy, nightmare group significantly improved in insomnia severity, nightmare severity, PTSD symptoms and depression. Among cognitive functioning test, especially in BART which evaluates the decision making ability in crisis situation, mean and median response time between pumps showed significantly decreased. In NBACK which evaluates working memory, mean response time was significantly faster after therapy. In sleep indices, sleep efficiency, number of awakenings were significantly decreased after therapy. In brain functional connectivity, prefrontal cingulate, medial cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, inferior parietal and superior parietal showed significantly decreased after therapy which was abnormally high at the baseline point.
Discussion: The present study investigated about the treatment effect of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy scientifically by using both subjective and objective measurements. Some of prior studies already investigated about the effect of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy, however, this study has meaning which is the first trial to verifying the treatment effect of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy applying to clinical PTSD patients with nightmare disorder using fMRI data.