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흑사병과 중세말기 유럽의 인구문제
The Black Death and Europe's Population in the Later Middle Ages
이논문은 한국연구재단(NRF, National Research Foundation of Korea)이 지원한 연구과제( 페스트와 중세말기 유럽의 인구 | 2004 년 신진교수연구지원 | 박흥식(서울대학교) )의 '연구성과물' 로 제출된 자료입니다.
  • 한국연구재단 기초학문자료센터 DB구축사업 참여 관련분야 전문가가 추가 입력한 정보입니다.
학술지명 서양사론 (ISSN : 1229-0289)
발행정보 2007-06-01 / Vol.93 / pp. 5 ~ 32
발행처/학회 한국서양사학회
주저자 박흥식 (서울대학교)
색인어 흑사병, 페스트, 인구통계학, 사망률, 전염병학
  • 주초록(메인언어)
  • Black Death,and explores issues related to estimation of the death
    rate.It has been held that there was population reduction by a third
    or a half due to the first outbreak of the Black Death regardless of
    the limitations and characteristics ofstatistics on population.This
    study reviews cases in England to analyze the characteristics of
    relevant documents, and explores major issues of European population
    based on that analysis.
    Taking into consideration remaining documents and results of
    present studies, it will be difficult to derivere liable answers to how
    many people actually died from the first outbreak of the Black Death.
    To analyze the population decrease rate,epidemiological hypotheses
    and the mortality rate of the poor are issues to be reviewed. As it is
    not easy to calculate the mortality rate accurately,it is required to
    be cautious about estimates based on incomplete data. Inconclusion,
    as the foundation to calculate the total population and death rate of
    Europe at the time of the outbreak of the Black Death is very weak,
    it is difficult to trust estimates based on such foundation.
  • 목차
  • Ⅰ.서론
    Ⅱ.잉글랜드의 흑사병 사망률과 주요 사료들
    Ⅲ.인구통계분석의 주요 쟁점들
    Ⅳ.새로운 논의를 위한 고려 요소들
    Ⅴ.결 론
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