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연구과제 상세정보

유교적 전통과 현대 한국사회
Consciousness of Political leaders and Confucian culture
  • 한국연구재단 기초학문자료센터 DB구축사업 참여 관련분야 전문가가 추가 입력한 정보입니다.
  • 결과등록초록
  • Korea was still caught by the Confucian Culture even after the liberation from the Japanese imperialism. Politicians and government officials were also under the influence of the premodern Confucianism.
    Syngman Rhee, who had lived in America during almost the first half of the 20th century and acted as an ardent missionary of the Christanity, obtained all the degree of bachelor, master and doctor there. He also got married to a white lady. In spite of such a westernized life style, the Confucian mind controlled his personality and his political activities during his presidency.
    His consciousness hovering over monarchism and authoritarism came in part from his lineage leading to the king family of the Yi dynasty. But such consciousness was basically caused by his personality. He was very stubborn and self-righteous, and always wanted to have full power over all affairs. The Liberal Party, a big ruling party during Rhees' presidency, and his government were only his puppete.
    As soon as Syngman Rhee came into power in 1948, he presented a word of Ilminism(一民主義) as the state's ideology to counteract the communism and the nationalism backed by Kim koo and Kim kyu-sick. Ilminism put emphasis on morality grounded on organic outlook of the family and the nation. The morality that Ilminism placed stress upon had its basis on the traditional Confucian culture and the Japanese militaristic fascism.
    President Rhee, who had strengthened dictatorship since 1954, continully announced statements emphasizing moral rulers of Confucianism until student demonstrations ousted him from the power in 1960. His stress on the Confucian morality was closely connected with the consoldation of his ultra-rightist, anticommunist desposition.
  • 목차
  • |. 머리말
    II. 이승만집권기의 전근대적 문화
    III. 이승만의 퍼스낼리티와 유교문화
    IV. 일민주의 ‘한국형 파시즘’ 의 전근대성과 ‘도의’의 강조
    Ⅴ. 이승만권력의 전제성 강화와 유교 문화
    VI. 맺음말
  • 이 연구과제의 신청시 심사신청분야(최대 3순위까지 신청 가능)
  • 1순위 : 한국현대사
  • 연구성과물 목록
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