In this paper, the features of the Korea-Japanese causative statement is described morphological, syntactic, and with semantically classification. on the basis of this, Korean causative sentence "이형" is analyzed separately corresponding with the cau ...
In this paper, the features of the Korea-Japanese causative statement is described morphological, syntactic, and with semantically classification. on the basis of this, Korean causative sentence "이형" is analyzed separately corresponding with the causative sentence of Japanese if it does not correspond.
In morphological aspect, Japanese causative form is compared to the monotonous to put the "stem + (s) aseru of the verb", Korean causative form "이형" "시키다형" "하다형" are diverse and complex as compared to the Japanese. "이형" of Comrie (1989) is among the classified morphological causative belongs derivative causative, morphologically a causative suffix to the root of the verb "-i-, -hi- , -ri-, -gi-, -u-, -gu-, -chu- "refers to the combined form. A causative suffixes only have the ability to be bonded to the root verb and adjective causative added meaning, do not utilize it differs from the Japanese. But Korean causative suffixes such as Japanese (s) aseru, the root of the word configuration is due to both lack of independence has common features can not be solely used. And causative suffix "이형" is not necessarily connected to all the verbs and adjectives. In addition, a verb has if a natural phenomenon, given to indicate the person if the state even without will and activity is or is given indicates the body part If you do not have a will to gender situation as such it can not be a causative statement. This is the same also in the Japanese
In syntactic aspect, Korea-Japanese causative statement is based on the intransitive-transitive relationship of the verb is classified into intransitive causative statements and intransitive causative statement is somewhat complicated than transitive causative statement. we see that causee is used differently its usage depending on the animateness and inanimateness , in these aspects, both of language are similar, too. And although Korean causative statement, "하다형" can come subjective case, the dative case, the objective case to causee, the Japanese causative statement comes only dative case. In addition, the Korean causative statement, double the interpretation of causative is possible because of exist if causer is plural.
In semantic aspect, from a typical causative that of Japanese verb (s) aseru shape is realized by intention of the causer and activity of the causee, to a typical transitivity is realized by intention and activity of the causer, just as there are many ways, Korean causative "이형" is also in response to the presence or absence of intention with the activity of the subject, is many ways from the typical causative to transitivity it was found that it is. Such although both languages in terms there are similarities, "이형", as it isn't derived from all the verbs in accordance with the stem form a phonological conditions because its form is shown differently, it compared to (s) aseru form the verb of Japanese and its distribution was limited to the fact that is extremely limited.